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Paisley’s Story


Paisley was about 3 months old when she broke her leg at the elbow across the growth plate, after going to the emergency vet and being sent home because it was beyond them, we waited 7 hours for the vet to open. Then once again we were told she needed surgery and that it was beyond our home vet, so they sent us to a specialty Vet who worked on paisleys little leg! She was going into surgery at 1 o’clock, so I sat home anxiously waiting to hear from the doctos. Two and a half hours later I called and the doctors told me that they were unable to fix her leg due to her age her bones were so soft the pins and plate would not hold. We were faced with a hard decision to amputate her leg or to fuse it at the elbow where she would need additional surgeries and that arthritis would set in. We chose to amputate in her best interest ❤ She did really amazing after her amputation! And is such an insiration she’s been through so much in her little life! We were definitely meant for each other!

August 25, 2013.     Category: Uncategorized.   1 Comment.

One Response to “Paisley’s Story”

  1.   jerry Says:

    Paisley we are so glad you joined us, because you give HOPE to people when they are going through ruff times like this. I’m sorry you had the accident but wow, what a recovery you made and what an inspawration you are.

    Thank you for being a part of the Tripawds Nation, we look forward to hearing more about your adventures.

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